Psychic channelling is done by means of mediums.  Mediums can perform psychic channelling because they have developed psychic skills. During the olden times, mediums and people with psychic powers already existed.  It was written in Chinese literature that early Asian Emperor seeks insights and information from spirits of the deceased by means of The Wu or medium.  A person who has the ability to communicate with the spirit world will act as medium in getting in touch with the spirit of the deceased person whom you ask for.  

Only a person with certain kind of force and energy can do the channelling. An ordinary person cannot do this because it will take time and patience in order to learn the art of channelling. There are people who are gifted with this kind of power but still they need to practice and dedicate their time in learning the psychic skills. Psychics have certain extraordinary power that show signs or manifest superficially.  They are somewhat different from ordinary people because they are equipped with special powers of the mind.  

Mediums can be categorized in to two:  the mental and physical mediums.  Usually mental mediums can receive inner visions and access mental impressions. Some can experience clairaudience wherein the person can hear voices and messages.  When we talk of physical medium, an individual can act as channels for physical appearance started by intangible spirits.  One may illusion the suspending of human body or any heavy objects in the air even without support.  

Channelling is also known as trance medium ship.  This is when the spirit takes over the body of the medium to be in touch with his love ones. The medium usually experience deep sleep wherein your brain slows down and you will find yourself in a place where your whole body can relax.  Before this, you will experience a rapid eye movement state.  

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